
Request a Valuation

We endeavour to provide you with the most accurate valuation of your property based on our extensive knowledge and experience of the local property market. Whatever your purpose is in requesting a valuation, you can rely of our confidential, professional service, delivered in a prompt and timely manner.  Call the office today or contact us through the website if you require assistance with any of the following


Your solicitor will request a valuation confirming the value of a property at the date of death of a family member.

HSE Fair Deal Scheme

Required by the HSE when a family member who is a property owner may need full time nursing home care

Property Tax

Confirmation requested by Revenue or your accountant to establish the open market value of your property on a specific date

Property Transfer

Valuation of an asset for Inheritance Tax purpose

Family Law

Required in the event of separation or divorce

Making a Will

Valuation of assets to assist property inheritance decisions

Site Valuation

Establishing the value of land for the purpose of development

Commercial Valuation

This may entail valuation for mortgage, rental, lease renewal or transfer

Residential Valuation

To determine the current open market value of a property for purpose of sale, insurance or transfer

The insurance company which holds the Professional Indemnity Insurance cover for Horgan Properties is:

A.I.G. Europe Limited        Policy number:   RP134980

Contact us for a FREE valuation